Notice of Reorganization of Headquarters




To whom it may concern:

Company name: Nabtesco Corporation

Representative: Kazumasa Kimura, Representative Director,

President & CEO

(Securities code: 6268; Prime Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange)

Contact: Yasushi Minegishi, General Manager,

Corporate Communication Department

(Tel. +81-3-5213-1134)

Notice of Recoganization of Headquarters

Nabtesco Corporation hereby announces that it has passed a resolution on its reorganization of Headquarters as of January 1, 2023 at its Board of Directors’ meeting held on November 30, as detailed below.

1. Reorganization of Headquarters (as of January 1, 2023)

(1) The Technology and R&D Division will be reorganized to realize the creation of new products and businesses.

(2) Establish the Innovation Strategy Division.

2. Reason for Reorganization

In order to realize the innovations set forth in the Medium-Term Management Plan, the Company reviewed the organization of the Technology and R & D Division for each function and establish the Innovation Strategy Division for the purpose of strongly promoting DX and CVC.